Monday, August 31, 2009

Seminary was not a hoop to jump through but pre-launch sequence into the blast-off of Priesthood

I never realized how much seminary has prepared me for ministry. A frequent complaint in seminary is, "when will I ever use this?" Not until I began ministry as a priest did I realize how well prepared we are.

In seminary we were taught to wear name tags so that visitors would know who we were. Guess what, I am still wearing my name tag they gave me in my first week at St. Ann's. Now if I could get all the parishioners to wear theirs, then I would be in the clear.

In seminary I was tasked with being the chair for the Social Committee. I learned how to organize social events and provide activities that build community. At St. Ann's their unwritten philosophy is, "if you feed them, they will come."

As part of my seminary training I spent a summer working as an intern chaplain at Baptist Hospital in Pensacola in the Clinical Pastoral Education program (CPE). I find that training to be invaluable as I visit those near death and provide comfort to the family who has lost a loved one.

In these first months of my priesthood, I have come to realize that the seminary's purpose is not only to provide an education in theology, to teach future priests how to preach and celebrate Mass, and so forth, but to form us into priests who will utilize all the tools placed before us. Now, there are situations that the seminary cannot prepare a priest for, but the seminary has given me the tools to deal with these situations.

In these past weeks, I realize that my formation has only begun.


  1. Paul,
    I know that you are going to do a tremendous job! I see Christ's "Joy" shine through you. Make a difference in everyone you encounter.

  2. Fr Paul,
    And now you are launched! By the grace of God may your trajectory be a bright light for the people of God to follow.

  3. Fr. Paul, thank you for this blog. As one of the geezer nation, the value of some current ways of communication, of being "with" one another confuse, confound and elude me. But this blog is heartening. Your reflection on formation resonates. Earthen vessels - always being formed, re-fired and re-fined for His use. Another St. Ann mantra is "It's all about relationship." How we are formed, in the company of the companions He puts on our path, is full of grace. What you share here about your formation experiences rings so true! Blessings.

  4. Always in my prayers. And for the Year of the Priest, we at Pensacola's St. Mary's Perpetual Adoration pray for specific priests for the week & place their names under the Blessed Sacrament Monstrance. Yours & Msgr. Hunt will be on Nov. 1-7,2009. Thanks Fr. Paul. God bless.
