Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It's been thirty days...

It has been thirty days since I arrived at St. Mary Catholic Church in Fort Walton Beach, unpacking my walking stick and a pair of sandals. I'm ready for my first assignment - whatever Msgr. Cherup needs me to do. I've been going to the hospital, nursing homes, and visiting the elderly who need the sacraments: confession, anointing of the sick, the Eucharist, and confirmation.

It's been a real joy to be back and serve the people of God in Fort Walton Beach at St. Mary's. I've met the staff and they are friendly, professional, experienced and very helpful. Each day is exciting by being able to minister to the people of God.

I have been saying Mass every day and preaching the word of God. The people have been amazing to teach and learn from them with their questions about the readings of the day. It's been a grace-filled moment and a very humbling experience to be able to proclaim God's word every day.

I am blessed to be here but I look to the future with confidence, that God will inspire me to serve the Church with the love and compassion of Christ.

Father Bob Johnson


  1. Many people at Saint Mary in Pensacola are looking forward delightedly to Fr. Johnson coming to our parish, too!

  2. Welcome Fr. Bob to St. Mary Pensacola. Very grateful to God for having you at our parish...will always be in my prayers. For the Year of Priest, your name will be placed under the Blessed Sacrament Monstrance at our Perpetual Adoration Chapel on the week of Oct. 11-17, 2009. Thank you & God bless.
