Monday, August 10, 2009

It has been a month since...

It has been a month since I stepped foot unto the campus of St. Ann Catholic Church in Gulf Breeze, unpacking my stuffed car into the rectory. Even though I was soaked by the warm embrace of the humid summer air, I was excited to move in and get started into parish life.

This did not take too long, I came in on a Thursday and my pastor Msgr. Hunt left on the following Tuesday. Seeing as it was tradition to leave the associate by himself for his first month in the parish, the pastor had no choice. (small chuckle) In short order I picked the brain of my Pastor before he left, trying to gather any wisdom I might need to keep the Church from burning down. (yet another chuckle)

I really had nothing to worry about. The staff at St. Ann's are experienced, generous, and very helpful. I have to admit, though, it is a little overwhelming. It seems like every day poses a new dimension of priesthood that I hadn't thought of before. Each day truly is an adventure and it is God's loving compassion and strength, along with the support of the staff that enables me to carry out the ministry the Lord has called me to do.

I look to the future with confidence, that in God who stengthens me, I will serve the Church with the love and compassion of Christ.


  1. May your year be blessed. Help Fr. Will haved more confidence in his tech skills. Where is Father Johnson's blog?

  2. He will be blogging this upcoming Monday.

  3. Paul,
    I am sure St. Ann's will be blessed with your dynamic personality, joy for life and your servants heart...Plus you have a great support group that loves you and will help any way you need! You are in my prayers my friend!!!
