Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Rite of Enrollment and “Rite of Passage”

This past weekend was the celebration of Pentecost in the Church. Here at Good Shepherd our last Mass included the Rite of Enrollment for the candidates for next year’s Sacrament of Confirmation. Both were firsts for me as a priest: first Pentecost and first Rite of Enrollment.

A few days ago I went through a “rite” myself. For the first time in my very very young life I purchased a new vehicle. I will not tell you exactly what kind I bought, but suffice to say that I’ll now be officially the most envied priest of the diocese (only kidding). I will share the color: Black, Pearl-Ash Gray! Nice! This was quite an experience. I drew out a lesson in retrospect. I didn’t get out of that place with four wheels and engine without, first, spilling plenty of sweat and tears, but also, committing with my voice and by stroke of my pen the intention toward that vehicle. What a passage..and I’m glad it’s passed!

I think of this now in light of all our Sacred Liturgies which are a holy interplay between the Lord’s gifts of our human words and gestures and His divine grace. The Rite of Enrollment was quite edifying because it entailed the candidate’s word of intention to properly prepare by prayer, study, and witness combined with their concrete sign of that intention by giving their signature. I hope this year of preparation will be blessed for them especially in realizing that who they will receive at Confirmation will be much more valuable that what I’m driving and worth every word, signature, drop of sweat and tears.

Father Will Ganci