Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What a Joy!

"What a Joy!" has been on my mind this past week. One might ask, "Joy during Lent?" At first glance it seems to be out of place, but in reality it has become the heart of my Lenten journey.

At the vigil mass of Palm (Passion) Sunday, when I was reading the words of Christ as we recounted his passion, I truly felt joy. I experienced great joy for the gift of life and love that Christ bestowed upon his people by allowing himself to die to save us. How powerful a role to play in the liturgy? It was in speaking the words of the Last Supper, that the words of institution in our Eucharistic Prayer took a new life in me.

Just yesterday at the Chrism mass, seeing our beloved Bishop John celebrate the Eucharist with his fellow priests, deacons, and lay ministers truly brought joy to my heart. What a Joy to see our Diocese together in prayer and worship. As I renewed my promises of ordination that I made less than a year ago, I felt a renewal of strength and vision.

Today, as look forward to my first Triduum, that is first Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil as priest, I expect nothing less than what God has in store for me and his people. I cannot wait to participate in the Mass of Lord's Supper and to wash the feet of the people I serve. I look forward to participating in Christ's saving act of love on the cross. I yearn to celebrate the resurrection by welcoming new members to our Church.

Although I mourn with my parish over the tragic death of a dear parishioner, who served as a teacher for over 30 years. Although it pains me to see those whom I consider my family to be in pain. I have joy that in Christ's life, death, and resurrection we have been saved. The joy that I feel is not of giddiness or passing pleasure, but the consolation that Christ is among us ever especially when we share in his suffering.

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